Thursday, September 15, 2011

On Your Mark...

Welcome to the launching of the offical blog for our 2011 ICS internship trip, with destinations to Portugal, South Africa, and Mozambique.  The team leaves in four weeks!  Are we ready?   We're getting there!   I should explain who the "we" are.  First, we have the team leader, Dr. M., with his wife and co-leader, Connie (also the blogger.)  Then we have a group of enthusiastic students from a variety of majors who will be gaining cross-cultural internship credits.  They'll be learning about the cultures of each country, having a chance to develop team-building, cross-cultural living and ministry skills, and I'm sure, a lot more.  Plenty of study and preparation has gone into the trip so far in and out of class - in fact, the first half of this semester is devoted to preparing.  How many ways can you mis-pronounce Portuguese words before they come out right in songs you're learning? Do you know if you really have to get that yellow fever shot before you go?  These things are minor compared to the "big picture" of the ICS trip.  Have these dedicated students wrapped their hearts and their minds around the life-changing lessons that God might have for them?


  1. Have fun!! I'll be thinking of you all!

    -a former blogger and co-captain

  2. Estou orando por voces! (I'm praying for you all!) I was a part of the ICS trip in 2000 around-the-world!
